Even though Jim Jarsmusch was always known with his criticism on America and American culture, when he released “Dead-Man” in 1995, The highly influential American film reviewer, Roger Ebert, said that "Jim Jarmusch is trying to get at something here, and I don't have a clue what it is". It was a shock that Jim Jarsmusch has changed his style of film making. The story wasn’t done in a manner of “true hipster fashion, in a minimalist style and with a cool sense of detachment” , it was rather done as a classical western film with a touch of Jarmusch.
Even though the style was changed the concept of the American culture continued. When the film is analyzed through Roland Barthes and Mieke Bal’s understanding of semiotics it can be seen that there is an old myth which says that “American people are uncultured” and another newly created myth “ Native American’s are far more superior than the wihte men” which is shown to us through the character of Exaybachay, which means “Nobody”. When narration in Mieke Bal’s understanding is considered it is an important fact that the Indian character is called “Nobody”. It is as if he is just a symbol that is left of America. As we watch further it is also seen that the only person who has intellectual culture is also “Nobody” since he is the only person in the film who knows about William Blake the poet. This action also defends both of the myths.
Also this is the first film that Jim Jarmusch uses “traditional iconography of the Western and the radical poetry of William Blake”. It would have been impossible to analyze this film with Mieke Bal’s semiology without the use of iconography. All of the western clichés; with the cowboys, Indians, bounty hunters, sheriffs and pretty dancers girls it has a typical western look. However, its concept is much more wider. Its concept is about William Blake’s revival from the past to create new poetry and go back where he belongs.
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