“Decisions that we can understand as the thinking of the film” said Frampton.
As spectators, we understand those decisions as images from the eyes of directors and producers. We may be aware of these images, may be not. But some people think and re-think on those images with the relation to their own world. If we look the films different than “thinking”, we can always find consciously enjoyed activities.
Do we have to focus in films to think? or there are may be films that have more than we think. The perception and the attention of people changes but always the focused or unfocused person has thoughts about it even film does not match with him/her.
I do not think that every spectator can easily think on a film like they have a film mind. Because we know that there are lots of people that they go films to separate from everyday life but besides them, there are also some people that they can not stop the relation of themselves from the reality of films. In these two circumstances, there are stimulants that the spectator is aware of or not. We know, the stimulating thing is the moving image but we have to examine these two situations in that how do those people think about the images they saw?
The words of Kubrick; “Watching a film is like having a daydream” are suitale for the people who watches film as separate themselves from the world. But all the images we saw, gives us experiences about the film. Experience is series of filtered thoughts and we all experience the life and even the films, differently. Thinking a film needs mental process that a person gained the experience from a film. Frampton clarifies the film experiences that “this is not much more than saying we experience film using the same brain that we use to experience reality” and we can say that understanding the reality is different from the understanding a film. But I do not know how much of the understanding reality is suitable for daydreamers?
But it can not be rejected that films help to create new ways of thinking from the real life. Filmgoers does not need imagination, they experience the films buy their perception on images. Before the cinema industry developed that much, there were lots of books that people tried to improve their imagination skills. By the developments, now we have moving images that may be makes us a bit lazy on thinking written sources, but it improves our perception may be more than imagination.
Absolutely, the perception has a direct relation with our thoughts because it is also related with our mode of thinking while watching. We are always selecting and choosing, so “our thinking chooses a way of joining the film”.
As a conclusion, we have just experiencing films to get meaningful thoughts. Furthermore, the people who feel the film like real life, I believe, they do not have a thought at the end of the film because they never experienced it as a film, they live and feel it.
Pelin Gezginer
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